B.Yourself: Inside Broadsword's Company Offsite

Broadsword’s remote team gathered together at The New Yorker Gallery for a day of inspiration and innovation around the theme of B.Yourself.

Everyone in our team has a voice, bringing a unique perspective and can drive change whether they’re an apprentice or a director. Being yourself at Broadsword is at the heart of our company culture.

Directors Anna, Bruce, Justin, Martin and Matt kicked off our company offsite, sharing their key personality traits and communication styles through the insights model, a profiling tool presenting characteristics as fiery red, sunshine yellow, earth green, and cool blue.

This was brought to life as each director shared their personal 2020 story describing how they handled this turbulent period personally and professionally. It was clear to see how each of their different approaches presented challenges but were all crucial to Broadsword’s survival and success.

Artificial Intelligence was a prominent thread running throughout the day and the team were treated to a deep dive into Chat GPT, demonstrations on its practical use and a discussion around its effect on the agency of the future and our place, as humans, alongside it. 

The highlight for everyone was the afternoon session, Give a Helping Hand, a rewarding practical workshop that enabled us to make a real difference. 

This activity was a collaboration with The Hand Project and involved our team building prosthetic hands for people in developing countries. Groups were challenged to collectively build the hands with a set of the parts and an instruction manual. 

These hands would be sent to recipients in need across the globe. It was incredible to see videos of recipients of The Hand Project and how the project has helped them.

It was really special to be together, making a positive difference and celebrating ourselves and our organisation, and what it means to be human in today’s working world.