Micebook's International Women's Day 2024

IWD 2024 began with a Senior Leaders’ Breakfast, which Anna Green, our MD attended.
“It was, again, a treasured hour that I spent with this very special group of female leaders. Facilitated by Jennifer Jenkins, we all had the opportunity to share our stories. The warmth and empathy in the room was in abundance!” — Anna Green
The Keynote was delivered by Professor Elaine Kasket, discussing ‘Reclaiming Your Life in a Tech-Obsessed World’ – this was an incredibly thought provoking and interactive session with a huge relevance for everyone in the room. Lorraine, Jen, Michelle and Becki were rather proud of their Kahoot scores maintaining a spot on the leader board and Elaine’s research and statistics got us all thinking about the tech in our professional and personal lives and the control that is ours to take moving forwards.
There was a theme of wellness running throughout the agenda this year, crafted by Mamma Wellbeing, platform to find vetted and curated holistic wellbeing practitioners and events across mind, body and spirit. We particularly enjoyed the EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) energiser which introduced us to tapping which was easy to pick up and accessible for pretty much any stressful or anxiety inducing situation.
One of our highlights was the ‘Eradicating Microagressions in the Workplace’ session delivered by Zoe Tuffs and Nic Neal. Zoe and Nic talked to us about the microaggressions we often turn a blind eye to and shared some top tips to call out exclusionary behaviours. There was a clear message that we need to do our best to ensure everyone feels involved and every voice is heard – which is Broadsword through and through!
“The day was an opportunity to learn and spend time with female colleagues in the industry. I especially enjoyed the final session of the day on micro aggressions, which was great to hear from other people on their experiences — knowing it’s not just your experience” — Lorraine Ducker, Senior Event Manager, Broadsword
We left feeling educated, inspired and empowered. Thank you micebook for curating another IWD to remember.
“International Women’s Day – a day to look back on how far we’ve come, and look forward to how far we’ve still to go. Lucky for me, this year I got to spend it surrounded by successful and empowering women at the micebook IWD event. It was a great day, filled with opportunity to be inspired by industry leaders and talented newcomers. I come away knowledgeable in the art of the ‘Power Pose’, thanks to Fi Bool, Founder & Creator of Be More Dandelion. And skilled with the benefits of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) by way of Tapping – if it’s good enough for Fearne Cotton, it’s good enough for me!” — Becki Kemp, Senior Account Manager, Broadsword